Meet Our Therapists

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Meet Our Therapists

Therapists listed with an "*" by their name are trained in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), an evidence-based, effective treatment for the healing of trauma.

Lesley Garcia

Lesley Garcia*

Lesley Garcia works from a systematic and collaborative approach where she acknowledges interactions that exist around clients and focuses on their needs. Lesley specializes in working with couples, individuals, and families; especially those who are underserved in the Spanish speaking community. Lesley seeks to provide inclusive therapy where her client’s culture, customs, and language are privileged and centered in the therapeutic process. Lesley’s top priority is that all of her clients feel seen and respected in their journey to healing. Lesley is getting advanced training working with couples and families, attachment based family therapy, EMDR to use in the treatment of healing trauma, substance use, and PTSD.

Lesley trabaja desde un enfoque sistemático y colaborativo el que reconoce la interacciones que existen al rededor de los clientes y se centra en sus necesidades. Lesley se especializa en trabajar con personas, parejas y familias desatendidas que hablan Español. Lesley busca brindar una terapia inclusiva donde la cultura, las costumbres y el idioma de su cliente seña privilegiados y centrados en el proceso terapéutico. La principal prioridad de Lesley es que todos sus clientes se sientan vistos y respetados durante sus proceso de curación. Lesley esta recibiendo capacitación avanzada para trabajar con parejas y families, terapia familiar basada en el apego, EMDR para usar en el tratamiento de la curación del trauma, el uso de substancias, y TEPT.

Payton Horacek

Payton Horacek

My name is Payton Horacek and I am here to be a grounding form of support to my client. I graduated from UNL in May of 2018 with a major in Child, Youth, and Family Studies, with minors in Psychology and Ethnic Studies. I am currently working towards my Master’s Degree as a Marriage and Family Therapist here at UNL. It is here that I am learning and developing the skills and knowledge to be the attuned self-aware, slightly goofy therapist before you. In my free time, you can find me outdoors hiking, rollerblading or hanging in a hammock with a book. I have an extreme addiction to traveling and an adorable cat who has my heart. I love a good laugh and welcome a good cry when needed. I am excited to work with students of eastside suits and look forward to supporting you through the year to come!
My primary focus within the world of therapy is to create an environment in which each person I serve can feel comfortable, supported, and understood. I believe each student deserves the opportunity to express their authentic selves to better provide the most empowering and progressive level of care. It is of the upmost importance that I, as a therapist maintain my cultural awareness, cultivate diverse inclusivity, and consistently affirm better health and wellness in all the work that I provide. ALL are welcome!

Jamie Rojas

Jamie Rojas

Jamie Rojas appreciates the journey it takes to consider reaching out for help. She value all types of effort that we put to show up authentically, even when it doesn’t come out as we’d hope. Jamie tries her best to meet others where they are. To do that, she encourages client feedback along the way. She is also passionate about exploring non-dominant social themes and creatively finding ways to integrate them into life so that it feels supportive and meaningful.

When Jamie is doing her own thing, she likes to try new things. She is into gadgets, creativity, comedy, and dancing! Jamie also loves exploring nature. If she could redo life, she would be an astronaut that dances professionally. And her answer would change the next time she was asked this question.

Garrett Schwindt

Garrett Schwindt*

Garrett Schwindt specializes in treating anxiety, trauma, and depression with clients from various demographics. Garrett’s main focus is to dismantle the systems of societal oppression while making his clients feel seen and heard. In sessions, Garrett acknowledges the systemic barriers fueled by white supremacy that limit the progress of people of Color and those within the LGBT+ community. Garrett attunes to his clients and supports and encourages their healing process by asking meaningful questions and creating a space where safety and vulnerability can thrive. You can count on Garrett to introduce some humor and  occasional colorful language into your sessions. Garrett believes therapy is an opportunity to foster curiosity about yourself and invest in your personal or relational growth. Garrett is trained in couples therapy, attachment based therapy, and EMDR; which is used to process complex trauma and PTSD.

Mohamed Soumit

Mohamed Soumit*

Mohamed Soumit was born in Atlanta GA and raised in Lincoln NE.  He has a bachelor's degree in psychology and Arabic from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.  Mohamed enjoys working with adolescents and their families, couples experiencing relationship difficulties, and immigrants and refugees.  He likes to bring creativity to the therapy room incorporating music, dance, games, and sand tray to enhance the therapeutic experience.  Mohamed's calm, safe, and reassuring presence makes his clients feel comfortable.  He is trained in EMDR, Narrative Exposure Therapy, Internal Family Systems Therapy, and Narrative Therapy.  Mohamed also has training in Discernment Counseling.